2025 ASPE Annual Conference
Pre-Conference Workshop Abstracts


Pre-Conference Workshop Pricing - 
Member - $175 per workshop
Non-Member - $200 per workshop



Saturday, May 31, 2025

8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. ET

Research Forum: Formulating Effective Research Questions and Introduction to Quantitative and Qualitative Methodologies

This workshop supports participants with basic knowledge/skills for quantitative and qualitative research methods to ask meaningful and relevant research questions applicable to simulation education projects that utilize SP methodology. This is critical, as SP Educators must consider scholarly dissemination as part of project design and implementation. The first half of this workshop defines quantitative research principles of reliability and validity, reviews examples of validity evidence, and applies these concepts in the context of SP methodology. As multiple validity frameworks are available, clarification is needed so that SP educators can be discerning as they develop and evaluate the quality of their assessments. The second half of this workshop explores basic qualitative research principles including crafting research questions, interviewing, focus groups, participant observation, coding, and more. Qualitative methods are most useful for answering open-ended research questions that consider how and why certain phenomenon exist in the world around us. Participants will receive qualitative study examples related to healthcare education as they consider applications to their own simulation work. It is critical that SP Educators develop research acumen so their contributions are present in the scholarship on SP Methodology.

Lead Author: Kuan Xing
Co-Authors: Lou Clark, Cate Nicholas, and Kevin Hobbs 

Empowering Leaders and Managers Through Coaching Skills 

In healthcare simulation, SP leaders and managers play a critical role in creating environments that foster engagement and growth for their teams (Motola et al., 2013). This interactive workshop will introduce three powerful core coaching skills to enhance leadership and management effectiveness, strengthen team members’ agency, and streamline the achievement of goals (Grant, 2014; Ladyshewsky, 2010). Through guided discussions and hands-on practice, participants will refine these techniques, culminating in simulated coaching sessions. By the end, attendees will be equipped to foster a more collaborative, growth-oriented environment and lead their teams with confidence. No prior experience with coaching is necessary to attend. 

Lead Author: Bob Kiser
Co-Author: Christine Park

Foundations of SP Methodology Part I: Constructing Your SP Community 

The first session of the Foundations series focuses primarily on the actual SPs: how to recruit, then screen, then onboard, then retain them; as well as how to train them. It is intended to give SPEs foundational education in working with SPs at their home institutions. This workshop is intended to provide novice SP Educators (SPE) the tools to implement a successful SP program, which starts with having an excellent roster of well-trained SPs. More experienced SPEs may benefit as well by gaining a deeper understanding of SP methodology and how it applies to individual practice.
Foundations of SP Methodology will be led by experts from the ASPE Curriculum Development and Advancement Committee (CDAC). Participants explore the methodology that defines the rapidly expanding contribution of SPs to the field of simulation-based education. Content will connect extensively to the ASPE SOBP and aligns with ASPE Modules presented through the Center for SP Methodology, which would be beneficial for attendees to access prior to attending this workshop. The presenters include several published thought leaders in SP Methodology as well as innovators of new approaches in SP Methodology.
Lead Author: Dan Brown
Co-Authors: Amber Snyder, Amelia Wallace, Christopher Herring, Cory Krebsbach, Elizabeth Zwilling, Erin Siebers, Gail Furman, Greg Maruzzella, Howard Gregory, Jamie Pitt, Katie Campbel l, Kayla Pullan, Michael Carver-Simmons, Robert Kiser, Ryan Wamsley, Shawn Galin, Toni Jourdan, and Valerie Hall

1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. ET

Research Forum: Principles of Data Analysis (by Application Only)

Experienced researchers will provide 1:1 and small group coaching to participants with research projects in process. Registering for this session will include a one-hour online session in advance of the workshop with an assigned research coach, and hands-on data analysis during the workshop. Participants will leave with a further refined data analysis plan specific to their own research.
*This session is designed as a session that requires an application so that our team can ensure that we are able to fully support each participant. Please note, that applicants should have research in progress with some data collected.
Lead Author: Lou Clark
Co-Authors: Kuan Xing, Karen Szauter, Kevin Hobbs, Gina Wesley, Anne Woll

This Workshop Requires a Separate Registration Form That Includes an Application.
The Deadline to Submit Your Application is Friday, April 11, at 11:59 p.m. ET.



Designing with Purpose: Merging ASPE and HSSOBP Standards for Curriculum and Program Success
Presented by INACSL

This workshop introduces a structured framework that integrates the Association of Standardized Patient Educators (ASPE) standards with the Healthcare Simulation Standards of Best Practice™ (HSSOBP) to establish a cohesive approach for simulation curriculum design and program evaluation. The framework guides participants through core phases, including objective setting, scenario design, SP training, and learner assessment, aligning SP-specific standards with HSSOBP guidelines to enhance realism, consistency, and fidelity in simulation-based education. This session will offer valuable insights for educators, curriculum designers, and evaluators seeking to implement a robust, standards-driven approach to simulation-based education. By combining ASPE and HSSOBP standards, our framework not only ensures adherence to best practices but also fosters innovation in program design and assessment, ultimately leading to improved educational outcomes and healthcare delivery.
Lead Author: Beth Hallmark is PhD, RN, CHSE-A, ANEF, FAAN


Foundations of SP Methodology Part II: SP Methodology in Action 

The second session of Foundations will introduce tools and strategies for building and developing the programming of SP programs. This session begins with case development, aligning with learning objectives and ASPE Standards of Best Practice (SOBP). The session then explores the role of assessment and how to set up programming to meet assessment needs. Finally, this session discusses the role of SP Training for successful programming. This portion of the workshop identifies training methods, training strategies for case portrayal, and training SPs to use assessment tools.

Co-Authors: Amber Snyder, Amelia Wallace, Christopher Herring, Cory Krebsbach, Elizabeth Zwilling, Erin Siebers, Gail Furman, Greg Maruzzella, Howard Gregory, Jamie Pitt, Katie Campbel l, Kayla Pullan, Michael Carver-Simmons, Robert Kiser, Ryan Wamsley, Shawn Galin, Toni Jourdan, and Valerie Hall

Sunday, June 1, 2025

8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. ET

Moulage Bootcamp: Hands-On Training for Realistic Patient Simulation
Presented by SimGHOSTS

This hands-on, interactive bootcamp is designed to introduce participants to the fundamentals of moulage application, a critical skill for enhancing realism in medical and simulation-based training. Whether you are new to moulage or looking to refine your skills, this workshop will provide practical techniques to create highly realistic injuries, bodily fluids, and physical appearances that mimic real-life patient conditions. 
Through guided demonstrations and hands-on practice, attendees will learn how to apply moulage to simulate trauma, dermatological conditions, burns, bruising, lacerations, and other medical scenarios. The workshop will also cover best practices for safe application and removal, ensuring that moulage remains effective and professional in standardized patient (SP) scenarios.

**To attend this session, you are required to purchase a Moulage kit for an additional USD 20.00.
Lead Author: David Shablak, NRP, CHSE, CHSOS-A


Research Forum: Visioning Human Simulation: Expanding SP Methodology and SP Education as a Profession through Research

This session invites participants to engage with 5 topics core to further development of SP methodology and SP Education as a profession. Topics include: Ethics specific to upholding and furthering best practices of SP methodology; SP Education as a profession; the intersectionality of Human Simulation and technology (including but not limited to A.I.); competency-based education and assessment; and furthering ASPE’s ongoing commitment to the principles of equity, diversity, inclusion, and social justice through patient perspectives and voices.
This session is designed as a workshop session, utilizing a focus group methodology. Attendees will have the opportunity to self-select three of the five topics listed above and exchange ideas in small groups throughout the session. 
A primary goal of this session is to publish work produced as a result of the workshop. All attendees of this pre-conference will have the opportunity to participate in at least 1 scholarly activity following this workshop. Scholarly activities may include contributing to: an abstract for the 2026 ASPE 25th anniversary conference in St. Louis, an abstract, an essay, a new SP-based curriculum, a peer-reviewed book chapter or journal article, and more.
Additionally, facilitators will gather any and all recommended resources from attendees and make these publicly available on the ASPE website.
Lead Author: Lou Clark 
Co-Authors: Kuan Xing, Karen Szauter, Nancy McNaughton, Cate Nicholas, Nicole Heneveld, Kerry Knickle, Samantha Syms, Gina Wesley, Kevin Hobbs, Carrie Bohnert, Andrea Doyle, and Ann Woll


HELP - I Need Somebody! Meaningful Metrics for Growing Your Program 

Simulation program leaders often struggle to articulate the need for additional staffing due to a lack of established metrics for calculating productivity capacity. The often-used benchmarking tool that reports the quantity of ‘education hours delivered’ does not capture the wide range of development and evaluation work that is necessary for any given course or training. Program leaders also have an obligation to articulate resource utilization and needs to a variety of stakeholders. The presenters have worked together with leaders of multiple simulation programs to define, develop and implement a successful process which quantifies staff productivity capacity through data collection, analysis, insight, and effective story-telling. This shared model provides relevant data to accurately provide quantifiable justification for staffing growth.

Lead Author: Grace Gephardt
Co-Authors: Robert Schremmer, Mike Shepherd, and Meghan Simpson

GTA-MUTA Special Interest Group (SIG) Pre-Conference Workshop 

ASPE’s Gynecological-Male Urological Teaching Associate (GTA-MUTA) Standards of Best Practice (SOBP) delineate the associated principles, practices, and values to guide GTA-MUTA programs and learning encounters. The purpose of this workshop is to provide attendees the opportunity to learn, share, and apply ASPE’s GTAMUTA SOBP via case studies and interactive discussions with facilitators and participants.

Lead Author: Catherine Gowl
Co-Authors: Aylssa Ledesma, Jenny Murphy, Tim Webster, Vallea Woodbury, and Rose Zaeske

Empowering Your SPs: Implementing a Professional Development Series

Implementing a Professional Development Series: Developing a professional development series for Standardized Patients (SPs) is essential to creating an inclusive and supportive program where SPs feel valued and engaged. According to research in human resource development, fully engaged employees exhibit higher levels of commitment, increased discretionary effort, and lower turnover rates.  In SP programs, this engagement leads to enhanced learner performance and ultimately contributes to improved patient care. This workshop aims to provide SP educators and administrators with practical tools to implement a professional development series that leverages the strengths and experiences of their SPs. By focusing on individualized growth and acknowledging each SP's unique contributions, participants can foster a culture of empowerment that will elevate the quality of their programs and enhance the overall SP experience.

Lead Author: Samantha Syms
Co-Authors: Amanda Fernandez-Acosta, Nicholas Gonzalez, and Diana Reyersbach

Foundations of SP Methodology Part III

Building Program Infrastructure - The third and final session of the Foundations series will provide participants the opportunity to develop tools and strategies for managing their SP program on a macro level. This session will cover leadership concepts, strategic management of a SP program, policy and procedure, information and communication management for a SP program, and advances in SP management, including working with diverse groups of people to ensure successful program administration.  
The session is intended to give new program directors or program builders foundational education in leading a human simulation program. All SP Educators (SPEs) may benefit as well by gaining a deeper understanding of SP methodology and how it applies to individual practice.
Foundations of SP Methodology will be led by experts from the ASPE Curriculum Development and Advancement Committee (CDAC). Participants explore the methodology that defines the rapidly expanding contribution of SPs to the field of simulation-based education. Content will connect extensively to the ASPE SOBP3 and aligns with ASPE Modules presented through the Center for SP Methodology, which would be beneficial for attendees to access prior to attending this workshop. The presenters include several published thought leaders in SP Methodology as well as innovators of new approaches in SP Methodology.
Lead Author: Dan Brown
Co-Authors: Amber Snyder, Amelia Wallace, Christopher Herring, Cory Krebsbach, Elizabeth Zwilling, Erin Siebers, Gail Furman, Greg Maruzzella, Howard Gregory, Jamie Pitt, Katie Campbel l, Kayla Pullan, Michael Carver-Simmons, Robert Kiser, Ryan Wamsley, Shawn Galin, Toni Jourdan, and Valerie Hall


**Please note that the session Research Forum: Principles of Data Analysis (by Application Only) requires a separate registration form.