Scholars Certificate Program

The ASPE Scholars Certificate Program is designed for any ASPE member wanting to participate in a structured program to develop scholarship skills. The program is built around Glassick’s criteria for scholarly work and scholarship

a. Clear goals

b. Adequate preparation

c. Appropriate methods

d. Significant results

e. Effective presentation

f. Reflective critique.

Provides mentorship in goal setting, literature reviews, research methodology and dissemination of scholarly work. Members completing this program gain proficiency in practical skills including conducting a literature search, writing and reviewing abstracts, creating and pursuing clear scholarship goals, gaining qualitative and quantitative research method knowledge and delivering effective oral and poster presentations.

Program Description:

Participants must begin the program by attending The Introduction to Scholarship Pre-Conference currently offered annually at the ASPE national conference. This introductory workshop assists participants in clarifying scholarship goals and provides knowledge and resources for planning to meet those goals. To complete the program, participants must demonstrate proficiency in the following areas: Adequate preparation, Research Methods, Effective Presentation, and Reflection/Critique. Scholars are required to complete 6 workshops/courses- over 2 years at ASPE or other similar research meetings. Of the six required workshops/academic courses required to complete the series, 2 may be non-ASPE offerings. Eligible offerings should include courses in literature review, research methods, effective presentation, and reflection and critique, and the last in an elective of their choice. Different courses are offered in the above categories annually at ASPE so scholars can fulfill their requirements. The eligible courses for the scholar's certificate are identified in the ASPE meeting program.

Program Timeline & Logistics:

Competency areas may be met by attending Grants and Research ASPE Scholars workshops at the ASPE national conference or by engaging incomparable professional workshops/ academic courses at accredited colleges or universities. Non-ASPE professional workshops and academic courses must be submitted prior to attendance for approval by the Grants & Research Committee. Following the Introduction Workshop, participants should formally enroll in the program by contacting the ASPE Grants & Research Committee Chair. Once the workshops or courses are complete, the ASPE scholars are recognized in a formal ceremony at the annual ASPE meeting where a certificate of completion is presented to them.

Participant Testimonial:

“The Introduction to Scholarship workshop was the very first workshop I attended at my first ASPE conference three years ago. I was new in my job and did not have a research background. During the workshop, a member of the G & R committee mentored me on how to conduct a literature review. It was the most useful skill and the most positive experience I had at the conference that year. Since then, I’ve grown professionally as an SP Educator at my home institution, pursued academic courses in research methods and become involved with ASPE. The individual attention I received at that first workshop prompted me to pursue becoming a G & R Committee Member so I could be an active participant in encouraging others.” – Lou Clark

Submit Application for Credit


For more information contact the Chair of Grants and Research Committee, Kuan Xing by emailing [email protected] . To enroll in the certificate program, contact ASPE Headquarters by emailing [email protected].