ASPE's Case Development Template

It is important to recognize that SP cases have multiple components that reflect the different users of a case, such as SP educators, SPs, learners, raters, and administrators. The development of these materials is optimized when employing a collaborative, multistep process, utilizing a set of best practice guidelines for designing simulations (see INACSL Standard: Simulation Design) as well as guidelines relevant to the professional context (e.g., medicine, law).

Lewis KL, Bohnert CA, Gammon WL, Hölzer H, Lyman L, Smith C, Thompson TM, Wallace A, Gliva-McConvey G. The association of standardized patient educators (ASPE) standards of best practice (SOBP). Advances in Simulation. 2017 Dec;2(1):1-8. ASPE's Standards of Best Practice

How to use this template:

This template is intended to be comprehensive in nature but may not contain every element necessary for an activity or scenario. Conversely, not every activity or scenario will require each part of this template. SP educators may exercise their judgment when selecting which parts of this template are applicable to their activities or scenarios.

Institutions may choose to create their own template with this document as a base; deleting, adding, modifying, or rephrasing sections in accordance with institutional preferences and points of focus.

The template is intended primarily for typical medical scenarios.elete sections that are irrelevant to the intended scenario.

Suggestions for completing the template:

a)      create a simplified version with only the sections a content expert (such as an MD or specialist) would need to complete; the SP Educator then takes that info and completes the other sections

b)      highlight sections for the content expert to complete (e.g. diagnosis/differential, physical findings, past medical history, etc.) and schedule a meeting to complete the rest with them

c)      fill in any logistical details you can before sending it to a content expert.