Accreditation in Human Simulation

 Past President's Project
Shawn Galin, PhD
ASPE President, 2022-2023


  • ASPE is the leading global organization on best practices in human simulation.
  • Other simulation organizations have accreditation/endorsement pathways to recognize centers adhering to best practices (SSH, SESAM, INACSL.)
  • Developing an accreditation process would be a significant sustainability activity for ASPE, elevating SP programs worldwide and reaffirming our standing as the world’s most respected authority on human simulation.


  • As the global leader in human simulation, ASPE will provide a distinctive accreditation pathway for the recognition of programs and institutions that demonstrate an ongoing commitment and adherence to best practices in SP Methodology.


  • Accreditation Advisory Council
  • ASPE Executive Committee
    Lou Clark, PhD, MFA, Shawn Galin, PhD, Cory Krebsbach, BFA, CHSE, and Amber Snyder, Ed.D
  • Application Task Force 

ASPE Accreditation Advisory Council

  • Rob MacAulay, MMHPE, CHSE
    • ASPE Past President (2020-2021)
  • Valerie Fulmer, BA
    • ASPE Past President (2018-2019)
  • Grace Gephardt, M.Ed, CHSE
    • ASPE Past President (2016-2017)
  • Christine Park, MD, FASA, FSSH
    • SSH Past President (2017)
  • Tamara Owens, PhD, M.Ed, CHSE
    • ASPE Past President (2008-2009)

 ASPE Accreditation Application Force

  • Karen Lewis, PhD
    • ASPE Past President (2014-2015), Author of the ASPE Standards of Best Practice, and current Chair of the ASPE Standards of Practice Committee
  • Claudia Arancibia, MSc
    • Current Chair of the ASPE International Committee
  • Kerensa Peterson, MFA, MS
    • Past Chair of the ASPE Communication and Connections Committee
  • Dawn Taylor Peterson,  PhD
    • Author on the Healthcare Simulation Standards (Professional Development)

Value of ASPE Accreditation 

  • Provides validation of meeting standards of practice by the global leader in human simulation
    • Certificate of Accreditation to be provided to all accredited programs for display
    • Accredited programs will be highlighted on ASPE’s website
    • Adds additional support and expands on other accreditations/endorsements in simulation (SSH, ACS, INACSL)
  • Represents an SP program’s commitment to quality educational programming and assessments thus ensuring ongoing quality control
    • Demonstrates assurance to institutions that learners are receiving the highest quality SP-based educational programming and assessments
    • Verifies commitment to transparency to all stakeholders and institutions of an SP program’s policies and procedures
    • Authenticates quality programming for future learners and future stakeholders enhancing the program’s reputation
    • Supports home institution’s higher educational accreditation pathways (LCME, CCNE, ACEN)
  • Provides essential guidance to new SP programs or existing SP programs on how to conduct operations in accordance with standards of practice
    • Reinforces commitment to the utmost safety of the work, learning, and assessment environment.
    • Demonstrates commitment to SPs to adhere to best practices in all on-boardings, trainings, and all work-related activities
    • Aids in justifying the ever-evolving needs of programs (equipment, staff, SP pool, P&Ps, professional development, etc..)


  • Oversight:
    • Oversight of the accreditation process will reside in a newly developed “sub-committee” housed within an existing ASPE standing committee
    • Accreditation sub-committee will consist of a sub-committee Chair (lead) and a panel of reviewers
    • Accreditation sub-committee will troubleshoot, adapt, and/or modify the process as needed with full transparency to EC and BOD
  • Leadership:
    • Shawn Galin will serve as sub-committee Chair (lead) for the 2024-25 and 2025-26 accreditation cycles and will report to the standing committee Chair
  • Communication:
    • Chair of the standing committee, the housing sub-committee, will serve as the liaison to provide essential and strategic updates to EC and BOD
  • Fiscal:
    • Self-sustaining financially. Revenue generated for both process and ASPE
    • Budget for the process will be sourced from revenue generated through applications
    • Funds only to be used for the sustainability of the accreditation process, ASPE as an organization, and certain high-level strategic initiatives that directly benefit membership

Impact of Vison on ASPE

  • Reinforce ASPE as the global leader in human simulation.
  • Expand global recognition and adherence to ASPE Standards of Best Practice.
  • Increase institutional membership in ASPE.
  • Adds an additional layer of professional development for membership by ASPE.
  • Establishes an important active collaboration between ASPE and SP centers, educational programs, and/or institutions of higher learning that adhere to best practices in SP methodology.
  • Impactful revenue stream for ASPE with minimal cost to implement (100% online process).

Timeline and Next Steps

  • June 2024 - Presentation to ASPE membership at the 2024 ASPE Annual Conference.
  • July 2024 - Finalize application and rubric. Begin working with KWMG for online application, filing, and storage process.
  • August 2024 - Assemble a group of reviewers and engage in reviewer training.
  • October 2024 - Open application process. ASPE implements an “inaugural” accreditation cycle for 2024-25.